Butterfly dance - Zoe's book
appeared 2020

Success and failure, they are parts of our lives. Sometimes they give us joy, sometimes pain, stirring waves inside us, similar to the dance of butterflies. This is the thought binding together the volumes of the Butterfly Dance trilogy.
In the first one (Zoé's Book) the reader witnesses a young pianist gets the better of herself. The road to becoming an artist is a difficult one, even for a talent. A parental home, full of love. A tutor, a world famous pianist himself, knowing this difficult road and sparing no effort to help his student to success. Does Zoé have a source to draw the power required for getting the better of herself? It is this and lots of other things this book is about. A "can't-stop-reading-it" type of book, one of my readers wrote...
Opinions about the book from Readers
I wasn't able to put down the book last night, so I'm finished riding , or rather I got to the end of this manuscript. I don't feel like I'm finished, the sequel is already missing. Not victory is at stake. Not the competition. "This girl wants to defeat herself" So at that moment, I started crying and didn't finish until the end. Thank you.
Zsófia Székely, Székely Country house***, Leányfalu
It makes the reader want to read on it, the
story draws you in and takes you with itself as if I was dreaming. It evokes memories of childhood and youth. These
are feelings and memories, which we
guard in the depths of our consciousness and pleasure to recall them....
György Ruisz, architect
.... It was a pleasure to read the author's book. It successfully softened my
mind which had been trained on the works
of Thomas Mann and other easthetic prodigies.
Lajos Arany, writer and publicist, editor of this book
This story is a thought-provoking and touching story about a
deep-feeling and dedicated young artist. The author started writing a few years ago because she felt she could
heal this way to, not just like a
doctor. Her book touches all of our soul's. It gives us hope and faith on the road to beauty and success. It is a pleasure and pride for me to be
able to publish this book.
András Kemény, writer and publisher Papirus book
About "Butterfly dance. Zoé's book"
A philosophical story, it's like a tale and it is true to life, it is romantic and realistic. Its characters (Zoé, the parents Klára and Péter, the teacher Olga, and Krisztina), finely elaborated characters, real life persons. The venues (Music Academy, the agglomeration, Saint Petersburg) are real places.
The reader is kept in suspense by a story vibrating throughout 21 chapters, an avalanche of thoughts; whether the protagonist, that is Zoé, a would-be pianist, manages to defeat her fears and misgivings, whether she can play at contests without hitting a false key.
Astory of love, with the heroine herself being a loveable person, the reader comes close to considering her as their own daughter, just like her piano teacher Olga. And so we root for her, just like all of the little residents of the forest and the hilltop, creating the Bugs' Musical Score, under the leadership of "Admiral Marci" The Bugs' Convention is very similar to real-life parliaments in a variety of aspects. Together they play Zoé's long-time wish, Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 3, from the score. Without hitting a wrong key.
A book about the quest for happiness, healing the one's spirit and maintaining one's faith. The other main character, Krisztina, is, in my view, like a Lama of wisdom: people come to her for advice and replenishment. In the end she reveals the piano's secret: "My greetings to my piano. Be kind with it." - she tells Zoé before departing. But what's her destination? That remains a secret. She's as though Gandhi were speaking through her mouth: instead of giving advice she only quotes illustrative examples about one getting to know oneself, about a pure way of life, life worthy of man, the meaning of life.
Not everything leads to a "happy end", just like in real life. Krisztina's future remains a mystery, just like how the lives of the parents (Klára and Péter) goes on.
A book about the love of music and the importance of harmony. Music is life and life is music. Music is a legalised narcotic - the characters say. Yes, I agree, music is the guard of our inner peace, it brings smiles to faces; music is love, poetry and prayer. "Those with beautiful songs in their souls will find others' songs beautiful too" - as they say.
You've got to find the key to Yourself, like in that famous novel Stork Caliph, by the Hungarian poet Babits. Zoé finds the code, just like love (as did Olga), gets the better of herself, plays the Rachmaninoff piece flawlessly and embarks on a road to success.
A "read it in one go" kind of book, and if I have to stop reading it because of other things to do, I cannot wait to come back to continue. Because it is beautiful, it is a wonder, it gives joy.
A magical read. Thank you.
Göd, 31 July 2020 Dr. István Kukorelli
university professor, ELTE, constitutional lawyer